Little White Church

The Palmerton Area Historical Society continues its commitment to the maintenance of the Little White Church. This community landmark has celebrated 175 years of service and will continue to do so with a new electrical system.
The Historical Society acquired this Carbon County landmark twenty years ago to preserve it for future generations. The modest sanctuary with its imposing pulpit and beautiful windows has become a destination for weddings and baptisms, funerals, ecumenical services, and educational programs.
Although the cost of maintaining the church far exceeds any income that is derived from these events, the Society members should feel a sense of pride in having protected this treasure from the wrecking ball.
The traditional “knob & tube” wiring was “state of the art” a century ago, but the increased use of electricity today made a new service desirable. The cost of rewiring the Little White Church and bringing it up to present day standards exceeded $6,000.